Murphy Investigations & Protective Services LLC is also known and does business as MI ProS.
The company was founded by Dennis & Diana Murphy. Dennis Murphy is the current president and chief investigator of the company. Diana Murphy is the company CFO and legal assistant to Dennis Murphy.
During Dennis Murphy's years in college, he was employed as a seasonal Park Ranger on a fire and mountain rescue crew in Glacier National Park, MT. While in that position he and his fellow crew members assisted the FBI and the US Secret Service with route security and transporting visiting dignitaries during President George H.W. Bush’s vacation to the park.

Secured Property/Repossession – Does someone owe you or your company money on a secured note?
Hidden Property - Has someone taken or hidden your property or jointly-owned property as part of divorce proceedings or for another reason?
Stolen Property - Have you lost real property and would like help finding it?
MI ProS will bring over 30 years of combined investigative experience to track down missing property and take the appropriate steps to secure or repossess the property.
CALL (320) 212-6411
Murphy Investigations & Protective Services LLC